Meditacija notranjega uvida (petek, 4.10.)

Tokratnji petkov karma joga dogodek v studiu Yoga Yama bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.

Gostimo Dragoljuba Blagojevića, izkustvenega meditatorja, ki nas bo popeljal v teorijo in prakso meditacije notranjega uvida.

KAJ: Meditacija notranjega uvida
KDAJ: 4. oktober 2019 ob 18:30-19.45
KJE: Joga studio Yoga Yama, Celovška cesta 32, Ljubljana- Šiška

Prostovoljni prispevek.

Dragoljub would like to show us the simple path of vipasana meditation that can really change your life.

This light practice is a systematic development and opening of awareness called by the Buddha the four foundations of mindfulness: awareness of the body, awareness of feelings, awareness of mental phenomena, and awareness of truths, of the laws of experience.

We begin to see how we get caught by fear, by attachment, by aversion, by suffering. This means directing attention to our everyday experience and learning to listen to our bodies, hearts, and minds. We attain wisdom not by creating ideals but by learning to see things clearly, as they are.

There are hundreds of schools of meditation, which include prayer, reflection, devotion, visualisation, and myriad ways to calm and focus the mind.

Insight meditation (and other disciplines like it) is particularly directed to bringing understanding to the mind and heart.

It begins with a training of awareness and a process of inquiry in ourselves. From this point of view, asking, “What is meditation?” is really the same as asking, “What is the mind?” or “Who am I?” or “What does it mean to be alive, to be free?” – questions about the fundamental nature of life and death. We must answer these questions in our own experience, through a discovery in ourselves. This is the heart of meditation.

It is a wonderful thing to discover these answers. Otherwise, much of life is spent on automatic pilot.

Many people pass through years of life driven by greed, fear, aggression, or endless grasping after security, affection, power, sex, wealth, pleasure, and fame. This endless cycle of seeking is what Buddhism calls samsara.

It is rare that we take time to understand this life that we are given to work with. We’re born, we grow older, and eventually we die; we enjoy, we suffer, we wake, we sleep – how quickly it all slips away. Awareness of the suffering involved in this process of life, of being born, growing old, and dying led the Buddha to question deeply how it comes about and how we can find freedom. That was the Buddha’s question. That is where he began his practice. Each of us has our own way of posing this question. To understand ourselves and our life is the point of insight meditation: to understand and to be free.

The meditation that we gonna do is based on years of study and practise that I aquierd from my childhood, in the few years when I was a ashram monk, trough my travels and short life in India, visiting buddhist country Vietnam, studing under the forest buddhist monks from monastery in Goljek, Trebnje in the last years.

KAJ: Meditacija notranjega uvida
KDAJ: 4. oktober 2019 ob 18:30-19.45
KJE: Joga studio Yoga Yama, Celovška cesta 32, Ljubljana- Šiška

Prostovoljni prispevek.
Narava petkovih karma joga dogodkov je dobrodelna.

Del prispevkov je darovan projektu Botrstvo za slovenske otroke iz družin v stiski, del je namenjen kritju stroškov izvajalca, del pa dobrodelni organizaciji po izbiri izvajalca (OPOMBA: primerljiva vrednost programa na prostem trgu je 10-15 eur).

PRIJAVE niso potrebne.

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